AR Profile


A few years ago, "Internet Mass Hunting" got very popular in China. Anyone's personal information can be revealed online quickly with a large amount of people's  distributed researching. Today, machine learning and augmented reality technologies are developing and are starting to be used in our daily life soon. Maybe in the future, without "Internet Mass Hunting", we can easily access personal information with just our eyes, just like Rate Me, one of the episodes in Black Mirror. 

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There isn't much information when you just look at a profile picture. You may want to know more about...

  • Basic Information - What's his name? What’s his job? How old is he? 
  • Personality - What his friends say about him? What his is interested in?
  • General Information - What’s the brand of this hat? Where can I buy it?


It will be interested to create an AR profile with machine learning. All the above information can be shown in space, when mobile camera is placing in front of the person. Basic personal information can be generated through ML and social networking media's APIs. Friends can add tags and comments to this person in 3D space. Physical items on this people can be recognized by the camera and separated out as 3D models with more information on them.





Demo 1 - Object Recognition & Add 3D Tag

Use Inceptionv3.mlmodel pre-trained model to recognize objects. Place 3D text on objects with ARKit.

Demo 2 - Face Vision

Use AgeGender and Emotion CoreML models to analysis facial image. 

Demo 3 - Separate 3D Models

Use unity ARkit plugin.