Final Project - Realtime Interactive Sketchbook

This is a virtual community where strangers can communicate with each other as a hand drawn character based on real life. The virtual space is also based on the real world by getting model data from OpenStreetMap. 

Oct 30, 2017


Final Project - Prototype

By creating a virtual community based on a real residential area, this realtime interactive sketchbook aims to help people with social phobia to get comfortable with talking to complete strangers.

Oct 16, 2017


Journey #2: Start from Function

My friends also put tasty cooking or delicious delivery food at night in social media like WeChat moments or Instagram, which makes me hungry. Therefore, I come up with this idea. In this application, by changing the way we see food, it reduces our appetite so that we can achieve the goal of weight loss.

Oct 2, 2017


Journey #1: Start from Form

Early in my childhood, after watching horror movies, I always afraid that those monsters or ghosts will appear in my real life. Friends would scared each other sometimes by telling that something was behind you. Therefore, I want to create an AR app where you can put monsters and ghosts in reality and then scare your friends.

Sep 25, 2017